CPR is a statewide coalition of more than 190 organizations, founded in 1996 to fundamentally shift the way pesticides are used in California. CPR has built a diverse, multi-interest coalition to challenge the powerful political and economic forces opposing change. Our member organizations include public health, children’s health, educational and environmental advocates, clean air and water organizations, health practitioners, environmental justice groups, labor organizations, farmers and sustainable agriculture advocates.
With more than 20 years of successful movement building and collaborative advocacy experience, CPR is a unique example of cooperation and an elder among coalitions. Founded by eight organizations on the belief that we can get more done by working together than by working separately, CPR now has over 190 member organizations across California.
CPR approaches the need to reduce pesticide use as a critical environmental health and environmental justice issue. We prioritize building leadership in communities living on the front lines of pesticide exposure. CPR has a long history of supporting and linking community leaders, mostly low-income communities and communities of color, to successful local and statewide policy advocacy solutions. Since pesticides lie at the intersection of many issues and movements – from air and water quality to children’s health to reproductive justice to food justice – developing community leadership around pesticide issues simultaneously builds the power of the pesticide movement and all of our movements for health and justice.
To protect public health, improve environmental quality and support a sustainable and just agricultural system by building a diverse movement across California to change statewide and local pesticide policies and practices.
Our Platform:
- Eliminate use of the worst pesticides–including those that cause cancer, reproductive harm or acute poisoning.
- Reduce overall use of the remaining pesticides.
- Promote the use of sustainable pest control solutions in our farms, communities, forests, homes and yards.
- Protect people’s right-to-know about pesticide use in our neighborhoods, counties and state.
CPR works to:
- Build a strong and diverse coalition of organizations and individuals speaking out about the dangers that pesticides pose to public health and the viability of alternatives.
- Increase public understanding of pesticide use and health risks associated with pesticides, and the failure of the state’s regulatory system to protect us from these hazards.
- Expand and support a network of grassroots community activists pursuing local pesticide reform in their own regions and mobilizing their communities to push for statewide policy reform.
- Promote the viability of alternatives to pesticides in agricultural, forest and urban settings and oppose genetically engineered pest control applications where they pose unknown effects on health and the environment.
The coalition is governed by a Steering Committee, currently comprised of:
California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation
Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment
Central California Environmental Justice Network
Monterey Bay Central Labor Council
Pesticide Action Network
Physicians for Social Responsibility – Los Angeles
Valley Improvement Projects