by tabari | Apr 22, 2017 | Reports |
Chlorpyrifos is a potent neurotoxin, widely used in California agriculture. After US EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt in March 2017 defied his own scientists and refused to ban chlorpyrifos, pressure is mounting on California to exercise leadership on the issue....
by tabari | Jan 31, 2017 | Reports |
Kids on the Frontline reflects a rigorous assessment of dozens of independent studies documenting links between pesticide exposure and children’s health harms. It builds on our extensive 2012 report, A Generation in Jeopardy. The science linking agricultural... by tabari | Oct 12, 2016 | Reports |
Failing Health is a survey of pesticide use in many California school districts showing that highly toxic pesticides are used in schools and that parents, policy makers and the public are kept from getting basic information about pesticide use in schools. The report... by tabari | Oct 12, 2016 | Reports |
by California Public Interest Research Group Charitable Trust, 2000. 32 pages. “P” is for Poison analyzes pesticide use in the 15 largest school districts in California. The report found that highly toxic pesticides are still being used in California... by tabari | Oct 12, 2016 | Reports |
This kit has resources to help you get hazardous pesticides out of your schools. It provides information for parents to take full advantage of the Healthy Schools Act of 2000, ideas on how to organize community interest in least-toxic Integrated Pest Management (IPM)...